Saturday, January 12, 2008

Finishing the Mold

After the last of the glass and resin are finished take it's temperature.
To low a temperature and you risk the resin not setting ant to high and
the mold may warp and also harm the plug.
Wait at least 24 hours then remove from the plug, trim and seal the edges
also sand down any sharp edges. Then polish and wax and wax ...

Reniforcing the mold.

Add 2 or 4 layers of 1.5Oz. mat let it hang over the edge. Then run plastic tubing or some wood down the edge and fold the excess mat as well as some 5Oz. cloth over it and back down to the back of the mold.
After the mat and cloth are in place wet them out with
resin and roll out the air.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

First layer of Centerboard mold.

The first layer of the mold is a combination Cab-o-sil (500 ml by volume) and 500 ml of ASHM6253A
(unsaturated polyester resin). Let this gel then add a layer of 5oz. glass and roll out the bubbles, then add two layers 1.5oz. of chopped strand mat then let it cure for 24 hours.

Creating a Centerboard Mold.

Started to make the centerboard mold, using MDF to create a flat surface and 6"X48"X1/2" balsa
as the plug for the centerboard. The shape is a NACA 0010-34 profile.
After the shape is done prime then polish then wax and wax and...